V-Cut vs CNC Router PCB Depaneling

October 15, 2021

V-Cut vs CNC Router PCB Depaneling

When it comes to separating printed circuit boards (PCBs) from panels, there are two main techniques: V-Cut and CNC Router depaneling. V-Cut uses a specially designed blade to cut partway through the PCB and then snap them apart, while CNC routers use a precision cutting bit to mill through the entire panel. Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare them!

Accuracy & Precision

CNC routers are known for their accuracy and precision. They can cut through the panel along a pre-programmed path with very high precision. In comparison, V-Cut machines aren't as precise and can sometimes cut too deep or not deep enough, resulting in damaged PCBs or inconsistent cuts.


V-Cut machines are typically faster than CNC routers when it comes to depaneling PCBs. This is because they can cut through multiple PCBs simultaneously, whereas CNC routers can usually only cut one at a time. V-Cut can also cut the entire panel in one pass, while CNC routers may require multiple passes to cut through thicker panels.


CNC routers can handle both simple and complex PCB shapes, while V-Cut machines are better suited for rectangular or square PCBs. This means that if you have a PCB with a unique shape or odd angles, CNC routers would be a better choice.


V-Cut machines are generally less expensive than CNC routers but can have higher maintenance costs due to wear and tear on the cutting blades. CNC routers have a higher upfront cost but can be more cost-effective in the long run thanks to their precision cuts and versatility.

Final Thoughts

In summary, V-Cut and CNC Router PCB depaneling techniques each have their strengths and weaknesses. If you need to depanel large quantities of rectangular PCBs quickly and cost-effectively, V-Cut is an excellent option. But, for more complex PCB shapes, CNC Router depaneling offers greater accuracy and flexibility. Ultimately, the choice comes down to your specific needs and preferences.


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